Tagged “Valley Treatment Specialties”

Steven Sitler: Affidavit of Gregory L. Wilson, Ph.D.

This post holds 9 primary documents.

GREGORY L. WILSON, Ph.D., being first duly sworn, deposes and says. . . .

[Vision2020] Status Hearing Steven Sitler

Moscow Vision 2020

This morning I sat in a nearly empty courtroom and listened to arguments regarding the June 11th marriage of Steven Sitler and Katie Travis. The Department of Corrections unambiguously stated that they did not support this marriage. . . .

Moscow–Pullman Daily News: Judge amends Sitler’s conditions of probation

Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Convicted sex offender Steven Sitler’s conditions of probation were amended Friday at a court date originally scheduled as an evidentiary hearing. . . . Thompson said Sitler’s actions that prompted the arrest were a lapse, not a relapse. Lapses are expected as sex offenders go through treatment. . . .

Steven Sitler: Notice of Supplemental Probation Violation

This post holds 2 primary documents.

COMES NOW the State of Idaho, by and through the Latah County Prosecuting Attorney, and hereby gives notice to the court and counsel of supplemental allegations that the defendant is in violation of the following conditions of his probation. . . .

Steven Sitler: Report of Probation Violation

This post holds 3 primary documents.

CONDITION #4, of the Idaho Department of Correction Sexual Offender Agreement of Supervision, which states: I will not engage in any deviant behaviors including but not limited to: sado/masochism, bestiality, phone sex, cross dressing, clothing fetish, voyeurism, exhibitionism, public masturbation, or frottage. . . .