Tagged “Judge Stegner”

Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Christian college defends actions amid rumors

Moscow-Pullman Daily News

Accusations that New Saint Andrews College kept knowledge of a sex offender and his activities under wraps has put college officials on the defensive. . . .

Lewiston Morning Tribune: Church officials say rumors about sex offender are ‘ludicrous’

Lewiston Morning Tribune

Christ Church Pastor Douglas Wilson and Roy Atwood, president of New Saint Andrews College, Tuesday denied rumors a sex offender was harbored by the church and his crimes hushed up. . . .

Steven Sitler: Order Suspending Execution of Sentence

This post holds 9 primary documents.

On the 4th day of May, 2006, the defendant STEVEN JAMES SITLER, defendant’s counsel, Dean Wullenwaber, and the State’s Attorney, William W. Thompson, Jr., appeared before this Court for review of retained jurisdiction. . . .

Idaho Department of Correction, RE: Steven Sitler

On September 26, 2005, Mr. Sitler was sentenced to a retained jurisdiction for the crime of Lewd Conduct with a Minor.

We understand that the court wishes to retain jurisdiction for another one hundred and eighty (180) days. However, in order to deal with the apparent jurisdictional issue, it appears that the court should either amend its order to include a finding that extenuating circumstance did exist for a thirty (30) day extension. . . .

Steven Sitler: Judgment of Conviction and Order Retaining Jurisdiction

This post holds 4 primary documents.

IT IS ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that STEVEN JAMES SITLER stands CONVICTED OF RECORD of the crime of LEWD CONDUCT WITH A MINOR UNDER SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE, in violation of Idaho Code Section Idaho Code 18-1508, and that defendant be committed to the custody of the Idaho State Board of Correction for a period of LIFE. . . .

Douglas Wilson to Judge Stegner: “I have been asked to provide a letter on behalf of Steven Sitler, which I am happy to do.”

“The assignments I have given him have included the reading of books on everything from the obvious issues of sex and sexuality, to the underlying issues of his discontent.”

I am grateful that he will be sentenced for his behavior, and that there will be hard consequences for him in real time. At the same time, I would urge that the civil penalties applied would be measured and limited. I have a good hope that Steven has genuinely repented, and that he will continue to deal with this to become a productive and contributing member of society.

Court Minutes: Arraignment

This post holds 2 primary documents.

This being the time fixed pursuant to order of the Court for conducting an arraignment in this case, Court noted the presence of counsel and the defendant. In response to inquiry from the Court, the defendant stated that he is Steven James Sitler. . . .