Tagged “Judge Stegner”
Steven Sitler: Motion for Bench Warrant
Steven Sitler: Bench Warrant
Steven Sitler: Report of Probation Violation
CONDITION #4, of the Idaho Department of Correction Sexual Offender Agreement of Supervision, which states: I will not engage in any deviant behaviors including but not limited to: sado/masochism, bestiality, phone sex, cross dressing, clothing fetish, voyeurism, exhibitionism, public masturbation, or frottage. . . .
Steven Sitler: Agent’s Warrant of Arrest
Moscow–Pullman Daily News: Advocate: Sex offender’s early release may be indicative of larger problem
Steven Sitler: Order Modifying Probation
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that condition 19 of the Order Suspending Execution of Sentence and Order of Probation from May 4, 2006, BE and the same HEREBY IS rescinded and the defendant is released to the supervision of the Idaho Department of Correction on the remaining terms and conditions heretofore imposed by the Court. . . .
Steven Sitler: Review of Probation
New West: “More on the Steven James Sitler Child Molestation Case”
Unnoticed and unremarked, Steven Sitler walked among us for 18 months. When Doug Wilson learned of Sitler’s crimes in April of 2005, he did not warn us; he did not inform us; and, to date, he has not seen fit to apologize for failing to alert the members of his church or the larger Moscow community to the presence of this predator in our midst.
New West: “Two Child Molestation Scandals Break Over Moscow’s Christ Church”
For 18 months, a serial child molester named Steven James Sitler called Moscow home. He boarded with a Christ Church family. He attended Doug Wilson’s New St. Andrews College. How did the community and members of Christ Church learn of Steven Sitler’s crimes? On a local blog and, later, on an Internet community chat group. What’s wrong with this picture? Everything. . . .