Steven Sitler: Defense Review Hearing Memo

The defense does not agree with portions of the Sex-Offender Assessment Group Summary (“SOAG”) dated February 13, 2006, and signed by Brad Lutz, and portions of the Addendum to the Presentence Investigation (“APSI”) dated February 15, 2006, and signed by Naomi L. Laurino (hereinafter: “the NICI document”). . . .
The last item concerns a young man that many of you know — Steven Sitler. He was in our community last year, although not as a member of our church. He was recently sentenced (justly) to jail for sexual molestation of young children, including some in our congregation. One of the victim families involved was that of. . . .
Last night on the Auntie E and Brother Carl radio show, Auntie read some excerpts from the recently published The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Broadway Books, (a division of Random House) 2005. Dr. Stout maintains that one out of 25 “ordinary Americans” is without a conscience, i.e. sociopathic. Auntie read some of the identifying characteristics of this personality type on air. I wanted to share a few more with v2020 readers. . . .