Court Records
Steven Sitler: Confirmation of Rule 11 Plea Agreement
Steven Sitler: Criminal Complaint
That the Defendant, STEVEN JAMES SITLER, between the months of September, 2003, and March, 2005, in the County of Latah, State of Idaho, did unlawfully commit acts of manual-genital and genital-genital contact or other lewd and lascivious acts upon or with the body of . . . a minor female child . . . all done with the intent to arouse, appeal to, or gratify the lust, passions, or sexual desires. . . .
Steven Sitler: Sheriff’s Report #4
Steven Sitler: Sheriff’s Report #3
Confidential: For Members of Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church Only
Confidential: For members of Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church only. Please do not share this information with anyone who is not a member of Emmanuel Orthodox Presbyterian Church. If you have questions or concerns, please contact one of the elders. The session will give further instructions at a later time. . . .
Steven Sitler: Sheriff’s Report #2
Steven Sitler: Written Statement by the Victim Father for Latah County Sheriff’s Office
Steven Sitler: Sheriff’s Report #1
Synopsis: On 03/1.1/05, [Ground Zero Father] reported that Steven Sitler, a twenty year old white male, had been sexually assaulting his 6 year old daughter, [redacted] for the past year and a half. The incidents had taken place at [Ground Zero] residence, [Ground Zero], Moscow, Idaho. Sitler is no longer living at the residence. . . .