DATE: August 24, 2015
TO: Honorable Judge Stegner
District Judge
Latah County Courthouse
Moscow, ID 83843NAME: Sitler, Steven James
COURT CASE: CR-2005-2027Dear Judge Stegner,
Mr. Sitler took another polygraph on August 22, 2015, and failed another question. Attached in a sealed envelope are the polygraph results. The following areas are of concern: page 2 (paragraphs 2, 4, 5, and 7), page 3 (paragraph 2), and page 4 (paragraph 2). With the new disclosures and the heinous nature of these violations, Idaho Department of Correction District Two Section Supervisor Renee Behrens, ordered Mr. Sitler completely off of his residence property and ordered him to have no contact with his son.
In this polygraph Mr. Sitler discloses that he told his wife about some of these instances. Since she did not inform probation as required by a chaperone, she is no longer an approved chaperone by the Idaho Department of correction. Mr. Sitler has not been disclosing information to his sex offender treatment providers, but has been to Dr. Wilson, who is not a specialized sexual offender treatment provider approved by the State of Idaho Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). Mr. Sitler continues to do things his way, and continues to make disclosures and still fails the polygraphs, to which leaves one to think of how much he is not disclosing.
I have forwarded copies of the latest polygraph to Dr. Wert, Dr. Wilson, and Valley Treatment Specialties (VTS).
Respectfully submitted,
Blaine Holman
Sr. Probation/Parole OfficerAPPROVED:
Scott Douglass, District Manager
Community Corrections, District #2CC: Latah County Prosecutors Office
Mr. Sitler’s Attorney.