Steven Sitler: Letter from Valley Treatment Specialties
Valley Treatment Specialties LLC
To Whom it may Concern:
The following status report and recommendations regarding Steven Sitler has been made at the request of multiple sources that include Probation officer Blaine Hollman and Mr. Sitler’s attorney Dean Wullenwaber. This status report will identify factors that briefly outline Steven’s course of treatment relationship with Valley Treatment Specialties (VTS) and current situation regarding the birth of his son and considerations for a modified safety and supervision plan.
Steven completed a psychosexual evaluation in 2005 with Mr. Steven Lindsley, and began sexual offense specific out-patient treatment soon after. During the course of treatment, Steven was able to complete 6 phases of a structured treatment program, the chaperone training component, and subsequently was able to “graduate” the program successfully. During this time, Steven has also participated in individual counseling with Dr. Greg Wilson, a portion of which has also included dynamics surrounding Steven’s sexual offense. The course of this therapeutic relationship has been almost ten years, and has reflected a significant level of investment on the part of Steven.
During the course of treatment, Steven has complied with a variety of stipulations that has been requested by probation and parole and has included additional polygraphs, penile pleysethmagraph, as well as supplemental treatment regarding sexual offense issues, and additional updated psychosexual evaluation and risk assessments. Steven has complied with every stipulation and request simply as gesture to comply and subsequently engage his future as a student, husband, and father. Throughout the treatment process, Steven has been able to maintain gainful employment and is currently a student in a doctoral program.
Steven has been married for approximately four years to a woman who is also one of his chaperone’s. She is fully aware of the extent of his sexual offense dynamics as well as number of victims. Steven and his wife now have a baby boy of about 4 months of age. VTS understands Steven was initially told by Probation and Parole that he could have a normalized relationship with his son. However, an Order was obtained for Steven to repeat Relapse Prevention Training starting in March 2015 (due to failing a polygraph) and VTS accepted the referral even though evidence did not substantiate the findings of the polygraph. To this date, Steven continues to invest in the treatment process openly and candidly per probation order.
At this time, Steven’s original supervision plan was put into place by IDOC as is standard practice with our clients. Part of his supervision included for him to have chaperones, who met the IDOC’s rules and stipulations. VTS offers chaperone training that is approved by IDOC. Steven’s chaperones went through this training that included general education regarding sexual offending and offense dynamics as well as training regarding specifics about the offender they are chaperoning for. The rules section included in the chaperone packet are those created by the IDOC as standards, also incorporated by VTS as appropriate for Steven when he entered supervision with IDOC, and began treatment with VTS.
Steven has since maintained an offence free lifestyle for ten years. He has completed sex offense specific treatment. He has also been married for four years, and held a job while attending college. He has followed his current supervision plan without incident.
He currently is following his own relapse prevention plan as developed with his treatment providers at VTS, and at this time has been successful. He continues to participate in both group and individual therapy as a means to support and maintain his prosocial life goals.
With the addition of Steven and his wife’s son, the request has been made to examine the appropriateness of existing safety plan and key protective factors with recommendations and possible modifications as appropriate. Again, Steven has been compliant with any and all recommendations or stipulations made by either probation and parole or VTS.
At this time, VTS is asked to consider and make recommendations in formulation of a safety plan for Steven’s family and son. It is the opinion of VTS that Steven’s current relapse prevention plan, as well as his ongoing treatment and probation supervision, as well as increased ploygraphs [sic] provides an adequate safety plan for Steven and his family at this time. VTS are in agreement with Dr. Wilson’s report, as well as Mr. Wert’s psycho sexual evaluation out come and recommendations. There is no indication that Steven needs to have “line of sight” supervision to parent his son. Steven should continue in treatment as needed for ongoing support, polygraphs, family therapy as needed, and hold to his relapse prevention plan. The original level of supervision outlined in his chaperone agreement plan should be altered to reflect his current level of risk in the home setting with his son. Steven should be able to adequately parent his son to meet his physical, emotional and attachment needs. This plan should be reviewed quarterly and updated according to needs and or issues that may arise.