Tagged “Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson”
Steven Sitler: Hearing to Reinstate Chaperones
Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Sitler will request to live with son
Exhibit B: Excerpted Court Transcript

BE IT REMEMBERED that the above-entitled matter came on for hearing before the Honorable John R. Stegner, District Judge, on September 1, 2015, at the hour of at 2:00 p.m., in the District courtroom of the Latah County Courthouse, City of Moscow, County of Latah, state of Idaho, the following proceedings were had as follows. . . .
State’s Initial Response to Defendant’s Motions RE: Chaperones and Implementing Safety Plan

State’s Response to “Defense Submission”

State’s Reply to Defendant’s January 6, 2016, “Response”

Notice of Withdrawal of “Objection to Modification of Probation Conditions”; Motion to Modify Probation Conditions

COMES NOW the State of Idaho, by and through the Latah County Prosecuting Attorney, and hereby gives notice to Court and counsel that it withdraws its December 30, 2015, “Objection to Modification of Probation Conditions” and the January 4, 2016, “Notice of Hearing” setting the same for January 19, 2016. . . .
Objection to Modification of Probation Conditions