The American Conservative: “Doug Wilson’s ‘Reluctant Response’”

The American Conservative

Doug Wilson’s ‘Reluctant Response’ By ROD DREHER • October 1, 2015, 2:09 AM Yesterday I posted a long item critical of the way people in the Moscow, Idaho, church community around Pastor Doug Wilson handled two cases involving young men who sexually abused minors. I . . .

The American Conservative: “Scandal in Moscow”

The American Conservative

The state is investigating whether or not the baby boy born to the pedophile and the woman that Wilson married has been molested by his father . . . and Doug Wilson thinks this is a matter to be laughed at, while raising a glass of Scotch to spite the critics? That is insane.

Vintage 73: “Doug Wilson’s Failure to Safeguard Children”

Vintage 73

Doug Wilson’s leadership decisions directly led to the endangerment and alleged sexual abuse of a baby.

Consolidation of Terms and Conditions of Probation

This post holds 9 primary documents.

On the 26th day of September, 2005, the Defendant, STEVEN JAMES SITLER, Defendant’s counsel, Dean Wullenwaber, and the State’s attorney, William W. Thompson, Jr., appeared before this Court for pronouncement of judgment. . . .

Blog & Mablog: “An Open Letter from Christ Church on Steven Sitler”

Gog & Magog

In light of the recent court proceedings involving Steven Sitler, and the resultant coverage of those proceedings in the media, we believe that it is necessary for the session of Christ Church to make a public statement of where we have stood in this matter, and where we stand now. . . .